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Pastor Fr. John Haugen of Emmaus Pastorate – Sacred Heart

Father John Haugen goes above and beyond in his ministry to the five parishes under his care, serving a vast 450-mile radius in our part of the state. Through his weekly homilies, he not only gives us hope but also challenges us to reflect on our actions, reminding us of God’s deep love for us, as we are created in His image. Father John encourages us to not simply attend church but to embody the church in our daily lives, reaching out to family, neighbors, and the community. He continually inspires us to step beyond our comfort zones, urging us to serve others as God calls us to do. He is a remarkable person who makes each and every one of us feel seen–from the little ones to those who are homebound or in nursing homes. His inclusive message of faith welcomes all, regardless of their religious background. Father John is dedicated to making our pastorate stronger and more vibrant and vital within our community, helping us realize the importance of living and sharing our faith with everyone.

October 17, 2024
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Rick and McKenna - Morning Focus


The Morning Focus

Helping you focus on who the Bible says God is and who God says you are.

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Philippians 1:6 | I Am An Ongoing Work

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Genesis 13:9 | I Can Let Go

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Genesis 18:14 | God Is Capable

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