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Rick and McKenna - Morning Focus


The Morning Focus

Helping you focus on who the Bible says God is and who God says you are.

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Rick and McKenna - Morning Focus
New episode

Romans 4:5 | I Am Not The Point

Feels a bit rude, huh? Being told "You aren't the point!" Makes you feel a bit insignificant. But notice the difference between "You aren't the point" and "You don't matter." We are incredibly valuable to God, but that can be such a hard thing to believe when we are trying to point out worthy qualities within ourselves. If you're wondering who IS the point, then join Rick and McKenna for todays episode of The Morning Focus. However, to the one who does not work but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, their faith is credited as righteousness. Romans 4:5

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Rick and McKenna - Morning Focus
New episode

Hosea 2:19 | God Is Committed To You

Okay, be honest. How often do you skip out on God? Sometimes it's because you just got busy, others it's because there was something more interesting or tempting that you chose. My hand is up here too, I do this all the time. Being faithful is so hard when there are more "tangible" opportunities calling us 24/7. But then the guilt sets in and the enemy twists that guilt into the sneaking suspicion that God is tired of your lackadaisical interest in your relationship with Him. In fact, He's probably taken a few steps back Himself, considering our own lack of interest. Does this sound like you? Join Rick and I for today's episode of The Morning Focus. I will make you my wife forever, showing you righteousness and justice, unfailing love and compassion. Hosea 2:19

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Rick and McKenna - Morning Focus
New episode

Psalm 34:1 | I Can Praise

When trouble hits what do you do first? Where do your mind and heart go? David was a man who pursued God's heart but who also suffered greatly. Join Rick and McKenna for today's episode of The Morning Focus. I will praise the Lord at all times.     I will constantly speak his praises. Psalm 34:1

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